Hanbi Hong

Nurse Practitioner, FYM Certified Practitioner, Yoga Practitioner

Hanbi graduated with a bachelor of science in nursing and has worked as a registered nurse at the cardiothoracic step-down unit in Tennessee since 2016. 

Then, she pursued more education and transitioned into a healthcare provider role by entering a master of science in nursing. She graduated as a family nurse practitioner and has worked at a primary care office since 2019. 

Her yoga journey started in 2017 when she worked as a night shift nurse and needed an outlet to maintain her physical and mental balance. While practicing yoga, she noticed improvements in her well-being that translated to improved patient care. 

Knowing the benefits of yoga, she went on to get further education at Functional Yoga Medicine ™ Yoga Teacher Training and graduated from Functional Yoga Medicine™ in 2022. 

She finds a lot of common ground between her job as a nurse practitioner and yoga instructor. She values connection with her clients and pursues guiding clients with appropriate cues.  She is passionate about helping people and realizes the gap in our healthcare system, which perpetuates sickness.  

Tactile cueing and guidance from Dr. Connie allowed her to find the muscles she wasn’t able to control, and today, she is a strong, confident practitioner at Functional Yoga Medicine who wants to transition out of her Nurse Practitioner role at an internal medicine office where she feels she is perpetuating symptoms.  

She’s apprenticing and enrolled in accelerated FYMCP (Functional Yoga Medicine Certified Practitioner), an integrative program including 300-hour Yoga, Functional Medicine, Nutrition,  Physical Medicine, and transformational coaching to transition out of her career into a path that will enable her to help people truly.

She also enjoys doing pilates and gunshooting during her free time.


Functional Nutrition, Weight Loss, Hormonal Balance, Stress Management, Anxiety/Depression, Gut Health, Chronic Symptom/Disease Reversal, Functional Medicine, Pain Management, Post Op Recovery, Physical Rehabilitation

Book with Hanbi Hong, email [email protected] or call 678-335-5566