Top 4 Supplements For Joint Pain

Top 4 Supplements For Joint Pain

Everyone feel a little soreness in the shoulder or a twinge in the knee. But recent study shows that women are more affected than men. The CDC estimates that among 70 million Americans who suffer from arthritis and chronic joint symptoms, 41 million of whom are...
These Alternative Treatments Could Bring Pain Relief

These Alternative Treatments Could Bring Pain Relief

Is pain stopping you from making the most out of your life? Do you want to break the cycle of pain and pills? The good news is that painkillers are not necessarily needed for relief. We offer safe alternative treatments. The presence of acute pain is often a warning...
Is Stress Ruining Your Diet?

Is Stress Ruining Your Diet?

It seems when we are having a tough day, we crave more for pastry rather than a piece of fruit. A Swiss study suggests people cannot resist tasty, unhealthy foods when they’re under stress. Using food as a pick me up or to celebrate from time to time isn’t necessarily...
7 Easy Tricks for a Healthy Halloween

7 Easy Tricks for a Healthy Halloween

Halloween is such a fun time for everyone. We all dress up in scary costumes, enjoy parties, and your kids get to eat yummy treats. These tips will help you incorporate healthy habits into trick-or-treating. Keep the candy at bay. Tooth decay is painful and damaging...