How to recover from antibiotics

The season of sickness is upon us. It is the time of colds, flu, strep, sinus infections, and stomach flu. Everyone is cooped up indoors, and the spread of germs happens faster than the number of times you can wash your hands and sanitize surfaces in a day. If you do...
As the days get shorter

As the days get shorter

Days get shorter and the weather gets colder, there is less sunshine to go around. This means less vitamin D for our skin to absorb. Vitamin D is hard to find in foods. It is fortified in milk and orange juice, but many Americans do not drink either of them. All these...
Why Alkaline?

Why Alkaline?

Our Alkaline Program is about creating balance.  Because we are organic, we constantly fluctuate on the general dichotomy of good-bad, alkaline-acidity, high-low, sad-happy, positive-negative, sick-healthy, etc… This fluctuation is highly dependent on...