by Dr. Connie Jeon | Blog, Nutrition
For centuries, the world has been looking for the right blueprint for health, whether to lose weight, cure cancer and disease, or to have longevity. As a health professional and a patient, I used to be so confused about the new fad diets and healthy living...
by Dr. Connie Jeon | Blog, Nutrition
With so much information and busy schedules, we are becoming overloaded with “to do” lists and bombarded with flood of information every minute. Consider the smart phones, Tablets, IPADS, and the likes……perhaps its time to really enjoy peace and quiet and really...
by Dr. Connie Jeon | Blog, Nutrition
Vitamin D: An Absolute Requirement for Healthy Living Everyone should have his or her vitamin D level checked at least once a year (infants through the elderly). Below are conditions that have been associated with vitamin D levels: 10 ng/mL Severely deficient 15 ng/mL...
by Dr. Connie Jeon | Blog, Nutrition
Understanding thyroid tests – There is confounding information in medical literature about thyroid testing. Traditionally, doctors have relied on a test called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) to help diagnose and treat patients with a thyroid disorder. Until...
by Dr. Connie Jeon | Blog, Nutrition
Eating Genetically Modified Corn can have devastating consequences. It can cause cancerous tumors as seen above, “ new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto’s genetically modified corn. The study was published in The Food &...
by Dr. Connie Jeon | Blog, Nutrition
One of the first steps to restoring your gut and healing chronic inflammation is to stop the influx of chemicals and pesticides that come from our routine American diet. If you are suffering from digestive issues, IBS, gas, indigestion, or skin irritations,...