Hi. Dr. Connie here. I’ve been a clinician and a patient for over 19 years. My journey to health was a convoluted one. I’ve experienced the ups and downs of living with an unpredictable autoimmune condition. Subject to conventional treatments such as chemotherapy,...
Autoimmune-Immune System Every minute of everyday, your immune system protects you from multitude of bacteria, chemicals, viruses, and allergens. A healthy immune system should mount an appropriate and timely response to these harmful substances. But even...
Who’s in charge? As someone who lives with chronic disease, I strongly believe our health is our responsibility. The line between health and disease is thin and can closer than you think. Healing is an inside job. You’re in Control Any practitioners we...
The progression of autoimmune diseases has been on the rise in western industrialized countries over the past 50 years. Autoimmune diseases include Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Irritable Bowl Disease. Due to its rise in...
I just went to my nephrologist and got the results of all my labs that include lupus panel, protein in my urine, the basic chemistry, lipids, etc. The nurse felt so bad because she took so much blood. It’s the first lab since my detox already 2 months ago...
Ok, so I’ve been a maverick when it comes to managing my Lupus, choosing the nutraceuticals over pharmaceuticals for over two years. However, I found that my body has a mind of its own. Despite all my healthy efforts, I’ve relapsed and have proteinuria, extreme...